Mačas Latvija - Lietuva numatytas 2007 m. rugpjūčio 04 d. (šeštadienį) Liepojoje. Žemiau rasite tarptautinio Liepojos šachmatų renginio programą.
REGISTRACIJA Kviečiame šachmatininkus dalyvauti mače Latvija - Lietuva prie 100 lentų (60 vyrų, 20 moterų ir 20 jaunių). Šio mačo dieną numatytas ir komandinis turnyras. Išankstinė registracija el.paštu (Laima Domarkaitė), kopiją prašome siųsti (Marijonas Ročiuis) iki 2007 07 08. Jeigu bus kandidatų perteklius, atranka vyks pagal tarptautinį reitingą. Nesusirinkus dalyviams, mačas butų atšauktas. Taip pat visų Lietuvos šachmatų federacijos narių (klubų, mokyklų) prašome siųsti kolektyvines paraiškas bei nurodyti kontaktinio asmens pavardę ir rekvizitus. Asmeninėje paraiškoje prašome nurodyti pavardę, vardą, reitingą, gimimo metus ir pageidaujamą atstovauti grupę (suaugę, jauniai, moterys) kontaktinį telefono numerį ir el.pašto adresą bei transporto poreikį (reikalingas, nereikalingas). Užsiregistravus pakankamai žaidėjų, bus pasirūpinta transportu vienos dienos išvykai į Liepoją. Visus norinčius likti nakvoti ir dalyvauti rugpjūčio 05 d. (sekmadienio) renginiuose, prašome tai pažymėti paraiškoje. Esant dideliam poreikiui būtų ieškoma galimybių užsakyti transportą grįžimui 2007 08 05 d.
IŠLAIDŲ APMOKĖJIMAS Transportas suteikiamas organizuotam vykimui. Transporto vykimo tvarkaraštis bus paskelbtas po to, kai bus žinomas vykstančiųjų poreikis bei išvykimo vietos. Iš kai kurių miestų ir rajonų gali tekti atvažiuoti iki artimiausių maršrute numatytų vietų, tačiau tokios išlaidos kompensuojamos nebūtų. Mačo dalyviams ir teisėjams numatytas vienos dienos maitinimas, nakvynė neapmokama. "Open" Tournament
FIDE rules of chess apply. Swiss system. 11 rounds. Time control - 30 minutes each for the entire game. After the 7th round players placed 1 through 6 qualify for the Super Tournament. Prizes not shared. Every participiant can receive only one prize. In case of place sharing following tie-breaks apply: 1) Median Bucholz; 2) Bucholz; 3) Progress. Participiants of the Open Tournament will be sorted according to the latest Latvian national ratings, for the players without Latvian rating, latest FIDE ratings will be used.
Super Tournament
FIDE rules of chess apply. Round-robin system. Time control - 25 minutes each for the entire game. Participiants: 8 invited players and 6 qualifiers from the Open Torunament.
Blitz Tournament
FIDE rules of chess apply. Swiss system. 13 rounds. Prizes not shared. Every participiant can receive only one prize. In case of place sharing following tie-breaks apply: 1) Median Bucholz; 2) Bucholz; 3) Progress. Participiants of the Open Tournament will be sorted according to the latest Latvian quick play national ratings, for the players without Latvian rating, latest FIDE ratings will be used.
Team Tournament
FIDE rules of chess apply. Swiss system. 9 rounds. Team must have at least 4 players (two extras are allowed) one of the team members must be female or under 18 years of age. Team plays against team. Time control - 15 minutes each for the entire game.
Participation fee
For GM's, IM's, WGM's, WIM's and FM's participation free of charge. Pupils (born on 1991. or younger), seniors (born on 1947. or later) - Ls 5,00 (USD 10,00); For the rest - Ls 10,00 (USD 20,00) For the Blitz tournament alone - Ls 1 (USD 2) For the Team Tournament alone - Ls 5 (USD 10) from the Team - Ls 1 (USD 2) from one player.
Prize Fund
Supertournament: 1st place - 2000$ 2nd place - 1500$ 3rd place - 1000$ 4th place - 500$ 5th place - 300$ 6th place - 200$
Open Tournament (after 7 rounds): 1-6th places - 200$ each
Open Tournament (after 11 rounds): 1st place - 200$ 2nd place - 100$ 3rd place - 50$
Blitz Tournament: 1st place - 500$ 2nd place - 300$ 3rd place - 200$ 4th place - 150$ 5th place - 100$ 6th place - 50$
Team Tournament 1st place - 500$ 2nd place - 300$ 3rd place - 200$
Rating prizes (for seniors, omen, U-18 players) - 500$
For locals the prizes will be paid in Lats in accordance with the currency exchange rate. For visitors 25% tax deduction will be held in accordance to Latvian law.
The Schedule:
2nd of August (Thursday) 12:00 - 14:00 Registration 14:30 The Opening Ceremony 15:00 - 20:30 Rounds 1-4 of the Open Tournament 3rd of August (Friday) 10:00 - 17:00 Rounds 5-9 of the Open Tournament 15:00 - 18:50 Rounds 1-4 of the Supertournament 4th of August (Saturday) 11:00 - 13:30 Rounds 10-11 of the Open Tournament 11:00 - 13:50 Rounds 5-7 of the Supertournament 14:30 Closing cerempny of the Open Tournament 14:45 - 16:45 Match LATVIA - LITHUANIA 17:30 - 19:50 Rounds 1-4 of the Team Tournament 17:30 - 20:20 Rounds 8-10 of the Supertournament 5th of August (Sunday) 10:00 - 14:00 Blitz Tournament 14:30 - 17:40 Rounds 5-9 of the Team Tournament 14:30 - 17:20 Rounds 11-13 of the Supertournament 18:00 Closing Ceremony
Hotels "Liva" and "Amrita". Prices from Ls 15 to Ls 50 (30$ - 100$) Hostel from Ls 4 to Ls 6 (8 - 12$)
Tournament Director Aris Ozolins, mob. phone +371 29207601, fax: +371 3407208, e-mail:
Tournament Administrator: Galina Sudmale, Sporta street 4, Liepaja, LV-3401, mob. phone: +371 26815243, fax: +371 3424560, e-mail:
Representative of the City Council Artis Lagzdins, mob. phone: +371 29114185, fax: +371 3424560
Sending participiants application via post or e-mail till 25th of July 18:00 is mandatory. Participation fee after the deadline: 26th - 31st of July - 11 Ls (22 $) 1st of August - 12 Ls (24$) 2nd of August - 13 Ls (26$)
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